Powis RA, Karyka E, Boyd P, Côme J, Jones RA, Yinan Z, Szunyogova E, Groen EJN, Hunter G, Thomson D, Wishart TM, Becker CG, Parson SH, Martinat C, Azzouz M, Gillingwater TH
Systemic restoration of UBA1 ameliorates disease in spinal muscular atrophy
Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight, 2016 Jul 21;1(11):e87908
Hunter G, Powis RA, Jones RA, Groen EJN, Shorrock HK, Lane FM, Zheng Y, Sherman DL, Brophy PJ, Gillingwater TH
Restoration of SMN in Schwann cell reverses myelination defects and improves neuromuscular function in spinal muscular atrophy
Human Molecular Genetics, 2016 Jul 1;25(13):2853-2861
Powis RA, Mutsaers CA, Wishart TM, Hunter G, Wirth B, Gillingwater TH
Increased levels of UCHL1 are a compensatory response to disrupted ubiquitin homeostasis in spinal muscular atrophy and do not represent a viable therapeutic target
Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology, 2014 Dec;40(7):873-87
Proitsi P, Lupton MK, Velayudhan L, Hunter G, Newhouse S, Lin K, Fogh I, Tsolaki M, Daniilidou M, Pritchard M, Craig D, Todd S, Johnstone JA, McGuinness B, Kloszewska I, Soininen H, Mecocci P, Vellas B, Passmore PA, Sims R, Williams J, Brayne, C, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Intiative, GERAD1 Consortium, Stewart R, Sham P, Lovestone S, Powell JF
Alleles that increase risk for Type 2 diabetes mellitus are not associated with increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease
Neurobiology of Aging, 2014 Dec;35(12):2883.e3-2883.e10
Aghamaleky Sarvestany A, Hunter G, Tavendale A, Lamont DJ, Llavero Hurtado M, Graham LC, Wishart TM, Gillingwater TH
Label-free quantitative proteomic profiling identifies disruption of ubiquitin homeostasis as a key driver of schwann cell defects in spinal muscular atrophy
Journal of Proteome Research, 2014 Nov 7;13(11):4546-57
Hunter G, Roche SL, Somers E, Fuller HR, Morris GE, Gillingwater TH
The influence of storage parameters on measurement of survival motor neuron (SMN) protein levels: Implications for pre-clinical studies and clinical trials for spinal muscular atrophy
Neuromuscular Disorders, 2014 Nov;24(11):973-7
Hunter G*, Aghamaleky Sarvestany A*, Roche SL, Syme RC, Gillingwater TH
*denotes joint first author
SMN-dependent intrinsic defects in Schwann cells in mouse models of spinal muscular atrophy
Human Molecular Genetics, 2014 May 1;23(9):2235-50
Wishart TM*, Mutsaers CA*, Riessland M*, Reimer MM*, Hunter G*, Hannam ML, Eaton S, Fuller HR, Roche SL, Somers E, Morse R, Young PJ, Lamont DJ, Hammerschmidt M, Morris GE, Parson SH, Skehel PA, Becker T, Robinson IM, Becker CG, Wirth B, Gillingwater TH
*denotes joint first author
Dysregulation of ubiquitin homeostasis and β-catenin signalling promote spinal muscular atrophy
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2014 Apr 1;124(4):1821-34
Lupton MK, Proitsi P, Lin K, Hamilton G, Daniilidou M, Tsolaki M, Powell JF
The role of ABCA1 gene sequence variants on risk of Alzheimer’s disease
Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, 2014 Jan 1;38(4);897-906
Mutsaers CA, Lamont DJ, Hunter G, Wishart TM, Gillingwater TH
Label-free proteomics identifies Calreticulin and GRP75/Mortalin as peripherally accessible protein biomarkers for spinal muscular atrophy
Genome Medicine, 2013 Oct 18;5(10):95
Thomson PA, MacIntyre DJ, Hamilton G, Dominiczak A, Smith BH, Morris A, Evans KL, Porteous DJ
Association of DISC1 variants with age of onset in a population-based sample of recurrent major depression
Molecular Psychiatry, 2013 Jul;18(7):745-7
Hamilton G and Gillingwater TH
Spinal muscular atrophy: going beyond the motor neuron
Trends in Molecular Medicine, 2013 Jan;19(1):40-50
Thomson SR, Nahon JE, Mutsaers CA, Thomson D, Hamilton G, Parson SH, Gillingwater TH
Morphological characteristic of motor neurons do not determine their relative susceptibility to degeneration in a mouse model of spinal muscular atrophy
Hamilton G, Harris SE, Davies G, Liewald D, Tenesa A, Payton A, Horan MA, Ollier WER, Pendleton N, GERAD1 consortium, Starr JM, Porteous D, Deary IJ
The role of ECE-1 variants in cognition and Alzheimer’s disease
AJMG part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics, 2012 Sep;159B(6):696-709
Walker RM, Hill AE, Newman A, Hamilton G, Torrance HS, Anderson SM, Ogawa F, Derizioti P, Nicod J, Vernes SC, Fisher SE, Thomson PA, Porteous DJ, Evans KL
Characterisation of the DISC1 promoter and demonstration of regulation by FOXP2: a mechanism for speech and language dysfunction in psychiatric illness?
Human Molecular Genetics 2012 Jul 1;21 (13):2862-72
Hamilton G, Killick R, GERAD1 consortium, TGen consortium, Lambert J-C, Amouyel P, EADI, Carrasquillo MM, Pankratz VS, Graff-Radford NR, Dickson DW, Petersen RC, Younkin SG, Powell JF, Wade-Martins R
Functional and genetic analysis of haplotypic sequence variation at the nicastrin genomic locus
Neurobiology of Aging 2012 Aug;33(8):1848e.1-1848.e13
Proitsi P, Lupton MK, Dudbridge F, Tsolaki M, Hamilton G, Daniilidou M, Pritchard M, Lord K, Martin BM, Craig D, Todd S, McGuinness B, Hollingworth P, Harold D, Kloszewska I, Soininen H, Mecocci P, Velas B, Gill M, Lawlor B, Rubinsztein DC, Brayne C, Passmore PA, Williams J, Lovestone S, Powell JF
Alzheimer’s disease and age-related macular degeneration have different genetic models for complement gene variation
Neurobiology of Aging 2012 Aug;33(8):1843e.9-1843e.17
Hamilton G, Evans KL, MacIntyre DJ, Deary IJ, Dominiczak A, Smith B, Morris A, Porteous DJ, Thomson PA
Alzheimer’s disease risk factor complement 1 receptor is associated with depression
Neuroscience Letters 2012 Feb 21;510(1):6-9
Hamilton G, Harris SE, Davies G, Starr JM, Porteous D, Deary IJ
Alzheimer’s disease genes are associated with measures of cognitive ageing in the Lothian Birth Cohorts of 1921 and 1936
International Journal Alzheimer’s Disease 2011:2011:505984
Proitsi P, Hamilton G, Tsolaki M, Lupton M, Daniilidou M, Hollingworth P, Archer N, Foy C, Stylios F, McGuinness B, Todd S, Lawlor B, Gill M, Brayne C, Rubinsztein DC, Owen M, Williams J, Craig D, Passmore P, Lovestone S, Powell JF
A multiple indicators multiple causes (MIMIC) model of behavioural and psychological symptoms in dementia (BPSD)
Neurobiology of Aging 2011 Mar;32(3):434-42
Lupton MK, Proitsi P, Danillidou M, Tsolaki M, Hamilton G, Wroe R, Pritchard M, Lord K, Martin BM, Kloszewska I, Soininen H, Mecocci P, Velas B, Lovestone S, Powell JF
Deep sequencing of the nicastrin gene in pooled DNA, the identification of genetic variants that affect risk of Alzheimer’s disease
PLoS ONE 2011 Feb 25;5(2):e17298
Proitsi P, Lupton MK, Reeves SJ, Hamilton G, Archer N, Martin BM, Iyegbe C, Hollingworth P, Lawlor B, Gill M, Brayne C, Rubinsztein DC, Owen MJ, Williams J, Lovestone S, Powell J
Association of serotonin and dopamine gene pathways with behavioural subphenotypes in dementia
Neurobiology of Aging 2012 Apr;33(4):791-803
Adamis D, Lunn M, Martin FC, Treloar A, Gregson N, Hamilton G, MacDonald AJD
Cytokines and IGF-I in delirious and non-delirious acutely ill older medical inpatients
Age and Ageing 2009 May;38 (3):326-32
Kwok JBJ, Loy CT, Hamilton G, Lau E, Hallup M, Williams J, Owen MJ, Broe GA, Tang N, Lam L, Powell JF, Lovestone S, Schofield PR
Glycogen synthase kinase-3β and Tau Genes Interact in Alzheimer’s disease
Annals of Neurology 2008 Oct;64(4):446-54
Morgan AR, Hamilton G, Turic D, Jehu L, Harold D, Abraham R, Hollingworth P, Moskvina V, Brayne C, Rubinsztein DC, Lynch A, Lawlor B, Gill M, O’Donovan M, Powell J, Lovestone S, Williams J, Owen MJ
Association analysis of 528 intra-genic SNPs in a region of chromosome 10 linked to late onset Alzheimer's disease
AJMG part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2008 Sep 5;147B(6):727-31
Proitsi P, Li T, Hamilton G, Di Forti M, Collier D, Killick R, Chen R, Sham P, Murray R, Powell J, Lovestone S
Positional pathway screen of wnt signalling genes in schizophrenia: association with DKK4
Biological Psychiatry 2008 Jan 1; 63(1):13-16
Hamilton G, Proitsi P, Williams J, O’Donovan M, Owen M, Powell J, Lovestone S
Complement Factor H Y402H polymorphism is not associated with late-onset Azheimer’s disease
Neuromolecular Medicine 2007;9(4):331-4
Adamis D, Treloar A, Martin FC, Gregson N, Powell J, Hamilton G, MacDonald AJD
APOE and cytokines as biological markers for recovery of prevalent delirium in elderly medical impatients
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2007 Jul;22(7):688-94
Hamilton G, Proitsi P, Jehu L, Morgan A, Williams J, O’Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Powell JF, Lovestone S
Candidate Gene Association Study of Insulin Signalling Genes and Alzheimer’s Disease: Evidence for SOS2, PCK1 and PPARγ as Susceptibility Loci
AJMG part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2007 Jun 5;144(4):508-16
Morgan AR, Turic D, Jehu L, Hamilton G, Hollingworth P, Moskvina V, Jones L, Lovestone S, Brayne C, Rubinsztein DC, Lynch A, Lawlor B, Gill M, O’Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Williams J
Association analysis of 23 positional/functional candidate genes on chromosome 10 with Late Onset Alzheimer’s disease
AJMG part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics 2007 Mar 20;144B(6):762-770
Hye A, Lynham S, Thambisetty M, Causevic M, Campbell J, Byers HL, Hooper C, Rijsdijk F, Tabrizi SJ, Banner S, Shaw CE, Foy C, Poppe M, Archer N, Hamilton G, Powell J, Brown RG, Sham P, Ward M, Lovestone S
Proteome-based plasma biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease
Hamilton G, Samedi F, Knight J, Archer N, Foy C, Walter S, Turic D, Jehu L, Moore P, Hollingworth P, O’Donovan MC, Williams J, Owen MJ, Lovestone S, Powell JF
Polymorphisms in the phosphate and tensin homolog gene are not associated with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease
Neuroscience Letters 2006 Jun 19:401 (1-2):77-80
Grupe A, Li Y, Rowland C, Nowotny P, Hinrichs AL, Smemo S, Kauwe JSK, Maxwell TJ, Cherny S, Doil L, Tacey K, van Luchene R, Myers A, Wavrant-De Vrièze F, Kaleem M, Hollingworth P, Jehu L, Foy C, Archer N, Hamilton G, Holmans P, Morris CM, Catanese J, Sninsky J, White TJ, Powell J, Hardy J, O’Donovan M, Lovestone S, Jones L, Morris JC, Thal L, Owen M, Williams J, Goate A
A scan of chromosome 10 identifies a novel locus showing strong association with late-onset Alzheimer disease
American Journal Human Genetics 2006 Jan;78(1):78-88.
Deary IJ, Hamilton G, Hayward C, Whalley LJ, Powell J, Starr JM, Lovestone S
Nicastrin gene polymorphisms, cognitive ability level and cognitive ageing
Neuroscience Letters 2005 Jan 10;373(2):110-4.
Hye A, Kerr F, Archer N, Foy C, Poppe M, Brown R, Hamilton G, Powell J, Anderton B, Lovestone S
Glycogen synthase kinase-3 is increased in white cells early in Alzheimer’s disease
Neuroscience Letters 2005 Jan 3;373(1):1-4
Busby V, Goossens S, Nowotny P, Hamilton G, Smemo S, Harold D, Turic D, Jehu L, Myers A, Womick M, Woo D, Compton D, Doil LM, Tacey KM, Lau K-F, Al-Saraj S, Killick R, Pickering-Brown S, Moore P, Hollingworth P, Archer N, Foy C, Walter S, Lendon C, Iwatsubo T, Morris JC, Norton J, Mann D, Janssen B, Hardy J, O’Donovan M, Jones L, Williams J, Holmans P, Owen MJ, Grupe A, Powell J, van Hengel J, Goate A, Van Roy F, Lovestone S
Alpha-T-catenin is expressed in human brain and interacts with the Wnt signalling pathway but is not responsible for linkage to chromosome 10 in Alzheimer’s disease